Showing our cats
Showing Frode and Loki never crossed our minds until our breeder suggested giving it a go. She had a feeling they were of a good type and could do well.
So a local show to us soon approached and we thought about giving it a go. We were accompanied by the breeder to show us what is involved in showing a cat for the whole day.
To say they did well is an understatement!
In the same class but were placed 1st and 2nd with Loki also winning Best In Variety. 2 side classes were entered as pairs. They won both of those as well. We thoroughly enjoyed the day and made life long friends from the show. Everyone was so welcoming and friendly.
The most important thing from the day? Frode and Loki were so relaxed throughout the day and loved all the attention.
Our feline family expanded!
Over the following 3 years, those infamous words "you will never stop at 2", became reality
Next came Normagikatt Princess Leia (Clara). From her first baby photos our son Christopher fell in love. So she came to join us in June 2016. The bond between Clara and her "daddy" is a special one and lovely to see!
Along came Forestshadow Skye
Our stunning and large girl joined us in July 2016, 1 month after Clara.
Porsha to her friends! She has turned many a head at cat shows. While still a kitten we entered her into the Supreme Cat Show 2016. We certainly did not expect the days results. She won a large kitten class with Clara coming 2nd! Then went on to win Best of Breed. She was shortlisted for best in show Semi Long Hair Kitten making us so proud.
She is now Grand Premier Forestshadow Skye, requiring 1 more class win to obtain her next title.
Normagikatt Duchess (Tilly)
Our first breeding queen, who was welcomed into our family in January 2017.
Tilly is not the greatest fan of being in a cat show. That is no issue as primarily she is a cherished part of our family lives.
She is a fantastic "stay at home mum!" Her happiness and welfare is all that matters.
Tilly has outdone herself! On 24th August 2019, we gave her one last try to win her final certificate to achieve her Champion title. She was so relaxed and only went and did it!
So a huge congratulations to our now
Champion Normagikatt Duchess.
Bostinforest Rose Tico
Tilly's first born, Rosie, just had to stay! A stunning tortie and white girl, born 5th June 2018. She is our 2nd breeding queen in the family.
Rosie has developed into an absolute stunner with a lovely sweet nature. As for the show bench? She is very happy.
With the numerous shows she has been entered into so far....she is yet to lose her class! All first places with many Best of breed wins. At 15 weeks she entered her first show and went on to win Best in Show female kitten! A few weeks later at 3018 Supreme Cat Show, she again won her class and was awarded Best of Breed.
By the age of 10 1/2 months she has gained her first title of Champion.
Bostinforest Chewbacca
One of Rosie's litter brother's, Chewbacca, stole Stewart's heart. After a little persuasion he to would be staying!
What a great decision that was. He has grown into a stunning, soppy love bug! He is a wonderful example of the Norwegian Forest Breed. At 1 year old he had already gone beyond 6kg in weight!
Chewbacca has done equally as well in shows as his sister Rosie. Coming 2nd in just 1 show and winning the rest! Also, accumulating several Best of Breeds. He too has achieved his first title of Champion at the same time as his sister.
What does 2019 bring?
Who knows! But hopefully another year of successes. Both at home and on the show scene.
Our newest addition, Norwegian born Tingoskattens Walter will be at his first show soon. Hopefully his beautiful nature will carry through to the shows.....if not, he too will stay at home!